Kronospan, S.L.

Barrio de Castañares,
s/n 09199 Burgos, Spain

Kronospan Express Web Orders platform

Monday, 15 August 2022

Our new solution is designed for quick and easy ordering for wholesalers, distributors, and manufacturers. Kronospan EWO platform is the second generation of our web portal for existing B2B customers, enabling them to purchase a selection of express products. It can help customers without EDI integration to quickly place orders and automatically process them.

Advantages of using Kronospan Express Web Orders platform

  • Optimize the ordering process and save time.
  • Minimize the risk of mistakes when ordering in the standard way.
  • Find products with customizable navigation, filters, and onsite search
  • Free registration for all B2B customers
  • Available in 18 languages.
  • SSL security safeguarding any sensitive data that is being sent and saved.


To sign up for our Express Web Shop, contact your Sales Representative or email us at

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