Lučenecká cesta 1335/21
SK - 960 01 Zvolen


Lučenecká cesta 1335/21
SK - 960 01 Zvolen


Lučenecká cesta 1335/21
SK - 960 01 Zvolen

Sustainable forestry & Certification

Ahead of our time – making carbon negative products

Lowest possible environmental impact

We supply wood-based panel products certified by the Program for the Endorsement of Forest Certification schemes (PEFC) or Forest Stewardship Council®(FSC® License code: FSC-C018728). These products are made of material from well-managed FSC®-certified forests, recycled materials, and other controlled sources.

Together with our suppliers, we strive to achieve the lowest possible environmental impact.

  • We ensure the lowest possible environmental impact to soil, water and air
  • We promote maximum recycling of our wastes as well as we accelerate recycling of waste wood from other producers
  • We handle, use, store and destroy chemicals in environmentally, healthy and safe ways
  • We are a member of the Economic Chamber of FSC® (License code: FSC-C018728). The Forest Stewardship Council© is an international nongovernmental organization that promotes environmentally appropriate, socially beneficial, and economically viable management of the world’s forests. To learn more, visit
  • We support the FSC ®  (License code: FSC-C018728) Vancouver Declaration for more sustainable sourcing of forest products and increase in the use of materials from responsibly managed forests



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