Lučenecká cesta 1335/21
SK - 960 01 Zvolen


Lučenecká cesta 1335/21
SK - 960 01 Zvolen


Lučenecká cesta 1335/21
SK - 960 01 Zvolen


Späť na všetky podujatia
Clerkenwell Design Week 2024
Krajina: United Kingdom
Mesto: London
Adresa: Venue Project
Termíny: 21.05.2024 - 23.05.2024
Hala: PB10 & PC2
Značky: Kronodesign®, Kronobuild®, Krono Original®, KronoArt®, ROCKO®, Skin

Kronospan is thrilled to announce its participation in this year's Clerkenwell Design Week, one of the UK's premier design-led events. Set in the heart of London's vibrant art district, it is renowned for its rich and diverse community of creative businesses and architects. The festival promises to be a spectacular celebration of design. In the beautiful garden of St. James Church, the Project Venue brings together a leading selection of contract furniture and surface brands from around the globe. With two stands, Kronospan is excited to present cutting-edge solutions, highlighting the Kronodesign® and Krono Original® latest innovations. Attendees will have the opportunity to explore decorative interior products and discover how our materials can enhance their upcoming projects.

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