SELECT products.core_material_id AS id,products.core_material_title as title,products.core_material_slug AS slug,products.category_id,products.family_id as family_id,products.collection_id as collection_id,products.i18n_country_language_id,products.core_material_main_image AS main_image,core_materials_i18n.summary AS summary,core_materials_i18n.description_s AS description_s,core_materials_i18n.description_m AS description_m,categories_i18n.title as category_name FROM products INNER JOIN core_materials ON = products.core_material_id INNER JOIN core_materials_i18n ON core_materials_i18n.i18n_foreign_key = products.core_material_id AND core_materials_i18n.i18n_country_language_id = products.i18n_country_language_id INNER JOIN categories_i18n ON categories_i18n.i18n_foreign_key = products.family_id INNER JOIN ( categories AS families INNER JOIN categories_i18n AS families_i18n ON families_i18n.i18n_foreign_key = AND families_i18n.i18n_country_language_id = 152 AND families_i18n.is_approved = 1 AND families_i18n.is_active = 1 ) ON products.family_id = LEFT JOIN ( categories AS collections INNER JOIN categories_i18n AS collections_i18n ON collections_i18n.i18n_foreign_key = AND collections_i18n.i18n_country_language_id = 152 AND collections_i18n.is_approved = 1 AND collections_i18n.is_active = 1 ) ON products.collection_id = LEFT JOIN ( categories AS collection_childs INNER JOIN categories_i18n AS collection_childs_i18n USE INDEX FOR JOIN (`categories_i18n_foreign_key_country_language_id_uk`) ON collection_childs_i18n.i18n_foreign_key = AND collection_childs_i18n.i18n_country_language_id = 152 AND collection_childs_i18n.is_approved = 1 AND collection_childs_i18n.is_active = 1 ) ON = collection_childs.parent_id WHERE products.sku_is_active = 1 AND products.sku_is_approved = 1 AND products.category_is_active = 1 AND products.category_is_approved = 1 AND products.i18n_country_language_id = 152 AND categories_i18n.i18n_country_language_id = 152 AND core_materials_i18n.is_active = 1 AND(products.family_id = 0 OR(products.family_is_active = 1 AND products.family_is_approved = 1))AND(products.collection_id = 0 OR(products.collection_is_active = 1 AND products.collection_is_approved = 1))AND products.category_id = 6 GROUP BY products.core_material_id ORDER BY families.lft ASC, collections.lft ASC, collection_childs.lft ASC, core_materials.weight DESC, products.core_material_id ASC
Server shutdown in progressSELECT decores_i18n.i18n_foreign_key AS id, decores_i18n.title, decores.search_image, decores.number FROM `decores`INNER JOIN `decores_i18n` ON (`decores`.`id` = `decores_i18n`.`i18n_foreign_key` AND `decores_i18n`.`i18n_country_language_id` = 152) INNER JOIN products ON products.top_decore_id = WHERE products.sku_is_active = 1 AND products.sku_is_approved = 1 AND products.core_material_is_active = 1 AND products.family_is_active = 1 AND decores_i18n.is_active = 1 AND decores_i18n.is_approved = 1 AND products.category_id = 6 AND products.i18n_country_language_id = 152 GROUP BY
MySQL server has gone awaySELECT * FROM `core_materials`INNER JOIN `core_materials_i18n` ON (`core_materials`.`id` = `core_materials_i18n`.`i18n_foreign_key` AND `core_materials_i18n`.`i18n_country_language_id` = 152) WHERE 15 LIMIT 1
MySQL server has gone awaySELECT COUNT(*) AS agg_result FROM `news`INNER JOIN `news_i18n` ON (`news`.`id` = `news_i18n`.`i18n_foreign_key` AND `news_i18n`.`i18n_country_language_id` = 152) WHERE is_active = 1 AND is_approved = 1 LIMIT 1
MySQL server has gone away Наявність на складі - Kronodesign - Експрес-послуги - Kronospan
ТОВ ''Кроноспан УА''

вул. Луцька, 20
Волинська обл., м. Нововолинськ
45400, Україна

Продукт 2
Вибір декору 5
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  1. HPL для всіх декорів Mirror Gloss (MG) поставляється у текстурі SQ.
  2. LHDF поставляється з текстурою PE.

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Стільниці Slim Line
8685_70x45_crop_478b24840a 8685 SU Snow White    
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